2830 Ramada Way Ste A
Green Bay, Wisconsin 54304
Located inside of Bodywork Solutions (Lower Level)
The professional building is located between SPX hotel and Riverside Pizzeria buildings.
Phone Number
Fax Number
Chiropractic And Dry Needling Office Hours
M: 9:30 am – 1 pm ; 2:30 pm -6pm
W: 9:00 am- 12:30 pm; 2:00pm -5:00pm
F: 9:00 am- 12:30 pm; 2:00pm -5:30pm
Tuesday & Thursday Hours are By Appointment Only
New Patients
Please Fill Out All Paperwork ONLINE -in Advance of your appointment- or you will not have time for treatment on the first visit. The office is going completely paperless, and your cooperation is greatly appreciated. You will need to book a New Patient Appointment for whatever service you are looking to receive: chiropractic or dry needling. If you are looking for a Professional Health Session, those appointments are available online. Other specialty services need to be scheduled directly with Dr. Erin.
If you have not been seen in over a year, please fill out all New Patient Paperwork Again, as your health history and contact information may have changed from what was previously on file.
Existing Patients
You should be booking a Follow-Up session for the service of your choice. If you are scheduling a new service that you haven’t had in the office before, you may be prompted to fill out another health history form. If it has been more than a year since filling out your health history, please update it. You may have new consents to fill out. We are currently working on streamlining the consent forms to make things smoother for you. Thank you for your patience.
Please let Dr. Erin Denil know in advance if you will be billing insurance. Please note that some services are not billable to insurance.
Please take note that there has been a price increase in 2025.